Another year in the books! It may not have been easy, straightforward, or the way you thought it would turn out, but YOU DID IT--and I'm willing to bet you had some beautiful, magical, bada$$ moments in the mix too! We're taking this last month to reflect on the good things, figure out what we want to improve on in the next year, and set our sights on the future blessings to come. If you're looking to do the same, here's our 5 tips on how to wrap up 2022 and start off 2023 right:
Reflect & Be Grateful
Taking time to reflect is the first step in closing out a chapter and preparing for the next one. Reflection helps you to remember your favorite things that you want to experience more of and feel grateful for how those things showed up in the past year. It also allows space for you to acknowledge the things you don't want to continue to have in your life and think of ways to avoid those in the new year. We believe everything happens for a reason (even the not-so-good things) because they teach us & help us get clearer on what we truly want.
No need to dwell on the bad things but observe them curiously and think about all that you may have learned. For the awesome parts, take a second to relive those moments in your head where your belly & chest filled up with so much joy and gratitude you almost shed a tear! Be grateful that happened and think of how you could have more of that next year!
2. Set Your Goals
Now that you've reflected on the past year, it's time to set your goals for the new year. Whether you like to call it your new year's resolutions, 2023 goals, or affirmations - setting your intentions and your clear target is important for any person or business. It helps to keep you accountable and motivated, giving you something to look forward to.
Manifestation Tip: When you work on your goals try writing them in the present tense--for example--I'm so grateful I am a 6-figure business owner, I'm so grateful I attract clients who I love, I'm so grateful I mastered my work-life balance and feel both productive & free, etc!
After you've made your list take some time to read them over and envision yourself already living that life or having what you wrote down. Feel the gratitude and freedom you'd have when that day comes. This practice will allow the Universe to begin reflecting that energy back to you & opening opportunities & next steps to make those things a reality. From here, be open to the new doors that open for you, moments of inspiration/intuition, and opportunities to get one step closer and TAKE ACTION! The more often you get all up in your appreciative feels as if you already have it the more little moments of alignment & opportunity to head in the right direction will come--& with that, the more you act in those moments the more the Universe will give you things to ACT ON! If it feels right in your gut, trust that & go for it, even though it may be scary!
Don't forget, the Universe feels your energy so although merely repeating your affirmation/goals can do a little something, really envisioning it as if it's yours and FEELING all the good feelings & gratitude will propel you forward much faster!
If you're interest in learning more about how Manifestation--the Law of Attraction works we highly recommend the book or documentary The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Already saw it or want more? The most life changing book I've ever read (I actually listened to it on Audible hehe) is Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein
3. Have the Right Mindset
Your mindset is more powerful than most people know. What you put out into the Universe is what you receive back. Going into a new year with new goals can sometimes seem scary, but you are capable of anything you put your mind to. You just need to believe in yourself and take action toward your dreams. Being a boss babe is rewarding in so many ways, but we also know it's not always sunshine & rainbows and can get straight up overwhelming at some points. This is where being aware of your mindset and prioritizing your joy is extra important! It is GOOD to FEEL GOOD and the more often you prioritize feeling good the more flow you will feel in your business, the faster you can get things done, & the better you'll feel doing it!
I'm not saying to just run away from work and hide out at the beach for a week--because would that truly make you feel good? Probably not, you'd probably start feeling guilty & more overwhelmed about what you have to return to. However, doing things in your regular life that light you up can do wonders! For example rewarding yourself after a productive day with an afternoon dip in the ocean could totally light your spirits or maybe spending an hour before you start working going on a nice walk around the neighborhood sounds lovely to you--whatever little moments of joy you can incorporate into your everyday life will help you stay positive which will reflect deeply in your business. Get creative with this--the cool thing is everyone is completely unique, so what gets the happy fountain gushing for one person up may sound like straight up torture to someone else...and that's okay! Haha--do what genuinely makes you happy & forget about any outside opinions!
On top of this, you deserve to feel good about the good you do! Take a moment after completing a task or helping a client to be proud of yourself because you DID THAT!
Here's a few of our favorite quotes to give you a boost of motivation & empowerment to get your year started off with a powerful mindset:
It’s good to feel good. Prioritize it.
Feeling good will lead you to your next steps if you trust it.
Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live!
4. Consistency is KEY!
One of the greatest lessons I've learned & observed in business is the power of consistency! Although it happens (& we'd accept this with open arms), it's rare for things to happen overnight...or even over many nights BUT if you continue pursuing the business you love and DON'T GIVE UP, at some point all of your efforts WILL pay off! There's no set timeline of when this will happen & consistency is always important no matter how well you scale your business so staying in the right mindset with the tips above will help you when things feel difficult.
Just know, your consistency in staying aligned with your mission, continuing to share your offers with people, building relationships (virtually on social media or in person), & giving your current clients/customers the best experience you possibly can--WILL catch the attention of your ideal clients. It may take some time but keep doing it anyway! You never know how close you are to your next breakthrough & remember if you give up you could be stopping 1 day before your dream opportunity came knocking.
5. Invest in What the Next Level of Your Business Looks Like
We all love sales & specials and during the holiday's there's tons of em! Our advice is to take advantage of those that are within your means to do so & aligned with your vision! Whether investing into new products, services, education or workflow improvements that will help you reduce stress or streamline your process going into the new year, it's a great idea to take action in that to start the year off on the right foot! Equipping yourself for success is always a good idea and sometimes that means not trying to do everything yourself.
P.S. - For those of you Boss Women looking to transform your website with intention & purpose--We want to help you!
We're having a New Year's special for $500 OFF any website package so if it feels aligned with you--WE WOULD LOVE TO WORK TOGETHER.
To lock in the special you must reach out to us between 12/26-12/31 to schedule your consultation & then book your collection the day of our call. Email hi@crystaylorcreative.com to inquire or visit www.crystaylorcreative.com to book a consultation.
Last but certainly not least, ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS! Being surrounded by loved ones is one of the most powerful & energizing things in the world. Take the time to take a break and be present this holiday season. Your 2023 goals can wait until 2023, so make the most out of the days you have left in the year and prioritize yourself, your family, and your friends!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Excited to see what 2023 has in store! xoxo, Crysta